July 03, 2020 / Residential

The effects of COVID19 on the housing markets are starting to bake in.

“There’s no question that there are people who are fleeing the cities. There’s no question that the second home has been a place of refuge. There’s no question people are rethinking whether they want to be in high rise rentals with common spaces as amenities vs. having a home of their own with a backyard,” said Stuart Miller, chairman and former CEO of Miami-based Lennar.

I think Stuart said it best. American families are reconsidering where they want to raise a family. With public safety being prioritized over lifestyle. Looking forward to the data in 3Q and 4Q to see how the data reflects this trend .

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/18/coronavirus-update-people-flee-cities-to-live-in-suburbs.html

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